Archive for the ‘psychology’ Category


Honesty + Biting

February 16, 2008

Advice I: I just had the pleasure of spending a night with a girl who bit me lightly on the bone in the pelvis area – the hip-bone.  Hella-arousing.  Would recommend 🙂

Advice II: I did an incredibly difficult thing yesterday.  I was honest with my ex who still loves me about being with another woman.  The results were completely unexpected.  I was caught between a rock and a hard place – either I lie, which is terrible or I tell the truth of another woman being there, which will also make my friend feel like shit.  Well, I opted for the latter (in a back-asswards way) and, you know, the result was astounding.  It was as if a barrier was broken and I feel even closer to her than before.  Moreover, she understood, digested, I don’t know whether she is hurt, but I felt comfortable.  I feel comfortable.  It was an incredibly nice feeling.

 What’s the moral of the story?  If you love someone, even if you think you might hurt them with the truth, being truthful is the right way to go.  Yes, you may be flogged in the process, but, as terrifying as it may be, the end result might be surprisingly pleasant – elimination of lies, an ability to speak freely.

 I was always confused by the duality of being unable to commit yet loving a person and them refusing to accept (in my mind) such an arrangement.  But, perhaps this situation demonstrates the possibility of resolution.  Fascinating…  life is full of twists and turns…